Monday, December 4, 1978

Tyrant virus I

more commonly known as the "t-virus", is the first mutagenic virus discovered by the founders of Umbrella Pharmaceutical, Inc.. While the tyrant virus is responsible for the creation of the majority of their Bio-Organic Weapons (or B.O.W.s), the original intent was to create the perfect B.O.W.: the Tyrant

December 4, 1966
the Progenitor virus (also known as the Mother or Founder virus)[1] was discovered by Lord Ozwell E. Spencer, Sir Edward Ashford, and James Marcus.[2] These three gentlemen had a certain economic position and decided to begin research upon the virus. Most of the research was carried out by Marcus, as Ashford died in July 1968[3] and Spencer was already occupied by his burgeoning chemical corporation, Umbrella. Marcus had little resources to pool into the investigation, until Spencer agreed to employ him as a researcher and later Director of his corporation's Training facility, putting the vast resources of Umbrella into his hands. Marcus overbid his hand, greedy for the power to finally invest serious amounts into his research, demanded numerous resources to perfect and improve what he envisioned was his life's work. This led to friction between Marcus and Spencer who, to compensate from the crippling economic demands laid by Marcus, demanded that he create a virus with a 100% effectiveness rate,[4] much to the confusion of Marcus and his assistants, new Umbrella Trainees Albert Wesker and William Birkin.

The Umbrella Corporation used its finances to secretly develop the virus under the radar of international authorities. In time, Marcus further evolved the virus, creating the first effective bio-weapon to be produced in large quantity and be closely studied by the Umbrella Corporation. By adding the virus to leeches, the attributes of both were combined, and the t-virus soon saw the light in 1978.

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