Saturday, December 23, 1978

Umbrella's Changes

Marcus injected Leeches with Progenitor in 1978, and bore witness to the creation of a new strain which he named the "Tyrant virus".[2] Later this year, the Training facility would be closed and Marcus' two prized students: Albert Wesker and William Birkin, would be moved to the nearby Arklay Research Facility.
Yet again in 1978, did Marcus find evidence of tampering. In his increasing paranoia brought on by his quest for glory and isolation from mankind, he wrote in his diary that Albert and William were the only humans he trusted. His trust in them would betray him ten years later however, as the two would - under direct orders from Spencer, himself - have him assassinated by a Special forces unit and dumped in the Water Treatment Facility. Credit for "T" would be taken by William. His trust in William would also render hiding the source of "T" - the Leeches - useless.
By now however, Birkin had little care for "T", having discovered the G-virus in the body of Lisa Trevor, the daughter of George, still kept in the estate as a guinea pig for their twisted experiments.
Marcus was completely restored by the Queen Leech. Marcus would exact his revenge on Spencer and Umbrella by releasing "T" into the Arklay Research Facility's water supply, turning the facility personnel into zombies and leaving the laboratory and mansion in complete chaos, allowing for the team's extremely dangerous research specimens to escape into the surrounding area.
Birkin and Wesker used this as a diversion for their own plans to leave Umbrella, taking their research with them. Wesker, having formed Raccoon City's elite S.T.A.R.S. unit two years previous, would develop a plan to lure the team to the Mansion and obtain battle data from the conflict that would surely follow. Although the Tyrant was deployed - leading Wesker to falsify his death in a realistic "unforeseen side-effects" of releasing it - both the laboratory and the rampaging Tyrant were destroyed by S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team before making its escape back to Raccoon City with a single Bravo team survivor.
Wesker was forced to go into hiding for a number of months, using his operative Ada Wong to carry out his objectives, including the recovery of Birkin's G-virus. Two months after the Arklay incident, William Birkin finally perfected the viral strain that he'd been toiling to achieve since obtaining Marcus' research so many years earlier. Birkin planned to use the virus to force the Umbrella Corporation into allowing him onto their executive board, but then changed his plans when he found that selling it directly to the U.S. Government would prove far more profitable - though this is based on Umbrella's opinion.
Umbrella deployed its elite U.S.S. Alpha team (a para-military black-operations unit created for Umbrella's most clandestine purposes) led by HUNK in a desperate bid to stop Birkin from handing over his ultimate creation. Although Birkin was mortally wounded in the ensuing conflict, and the G-virus was successfully recovered by HUNK's team, he was able to inject a remaining sample into his own body and devastate most of the team before it could make its escape.
This event would be indirectly responsible for unleashing the T-virus into Raccoon City. HUNK recovered a sample of the virus, extracted and gave it to Umbrella. While the Arklay incident had been relatively isolated and concealed from the public, and Umbrella's control over key government and law enforcement personnel had ensured that any record of what had occurred could be safely swept into obscurity, they were now faced with an entire city infected with "T" and a trail leading directly back to the Umbrella Corporation. This would prove exceedingly difficult, even for Umbrella, to make it simply disappear.

Monday, December 4, 1978

Tyrant virus II

Though most of the research for the virus took place within the Arklay Laboratory underneath the Spencer estate façade, some eight miles North-west of Raccoon City, and the Umbrella Training facility under Marcus' orders, covered by the American Umbrella offices, Spencer's Umbrella empire in Europe raced against Marcus to adequate the t-virus to create a virus with an even greater destructiveness. Marcus' dreams to overthrow Spencer and his attitude towards the virus as a "money-spinning tool" for Umbrella were never fulfilled, as he was murdered before he could enact them. Birkin came to be known within Umbrella circles as the true creator of the t-virus.[5]
During those years, vast numbers of t-viral strains were developed in the Arklay Laboratory, and tested upon one solitary test subject: Lisa Trevor. For years, she was subject to intense biological torture, which, despite all odds, she survived.
As well, William Birkin, grown conceited as being credited as the creator of the t-virus,[6][7] spawned a myriad of biological weapons to serve as backup to the virus, to ensure a 100% death ratio in any populace the virus should be released. Among these are the Hunters (created by fusion of a human fertilized egg with t-virus infected reptilian DNA),[8] the Ivies (flowers grown to unnatural proportions and given animal instincts, locomotion and rudimentary defence mechanisms),[citation needed] the Chimeras (a mixture between a fly and human given vague humanoid appearance, increased size and mass, improved claws, and better reflexes),[citation needed] the Cerberus (infected dogs - specifically Dobermans), and most importantly, the crowning achievement of Birkin's career for the time: the Tyrant.

Tyrant virus I

more commonly known as the "t-virus", is the first mutagenic virus discovered by the founders of Umbrella Pharmaceutical, Inc.. While the tyrant virus is responsible for the creation of the majority of their Bio-Organic Weapons (or B.O.W.s), the original intent was to create the perfect B.O.W.: the Tyrant

December 4, 1966
the Progenitor virus (also known as the Mother or Founder virus)[1] was discovered by Lord Ozwell E. Spencer, Sir Edward Ashford, and James Marcus.[2] These three gentlemen had a certain economic position and decided to begin research upon the virus. Most of the research was carried out by Marcus, as Ashford died in July 1968[3] and Spencer was already occupied by his burgeoning chemical corporation, Umbrella. Marcus had little resources to pool into the investigation, until Spencer agreed to employ him as a researcher and later Director of his corporation's Training facility, putting the vast resources of Umbrella into his hands. Marcus overbid his hand, greedy for the power to finally invest serious amounts into his research, demanded numerous resources to perfect and improve what he envisioned was his life's work. This led to friction between Marcus and Spencer who, to compensate from the crippling economic demands laid by Marcus, demanded that he create a virus with a 100% effectiveness rate,[4] much to the confusion of Marcus and his assistants, new Umbrella Trainees Albert Wesker and William Birkin.

The Umbrella Corporation used its finances to secretly develop the virus under the radar of international authorities. In time, Marcus further evolved the virus, creating the first effective bio-weapon to be produced in large quantity and be closely studied by the Umbrella Corporation. By adding the virus to leeches, the attributes of both were combined, and the t-virus soon saw the light in 1978.